Charles Crowley The Trickster God “I will scamper my way to the very top”

Having ascended to God status, Mr. Charles Crowley does not play by the rules, and that includes this Friday’s PROGRESS Wrestling CHAPTER 147: UNBOXING LIVE V – DEAL OR NO DEAL.

Traditionally, the UNBOXING PROGRESS Wrestling show does not confirm any matches taking place, or any wrestlers competing – leaving it a complete surprise for the fans in attendance.

However, Mr. Charles Crowley has taken it upon himself to challenge rival Maggot to a match on Friday, however, Maggot is yet to officially accept the bout at the Electric Ballroom.

PROGRESS Wrestling sat down with the ‘Trickster God’ to understand why he feels he is above the rules, reflect on 2022 and what he has in store for the upcoming year…

You’re now the proclaimed wrestling God, why is this?

No, I’m not a wrestling God, that’s JBL, I’m the Trickster God. By no means is that me saying I can’t out wrestle JBL, I’d just simply use my strengths and initiative to grab his super baggy dress trousers and use them against him! Why am I a God? Because I can do what others can’t, and I do it in a way others don’t, because they’re afraid and that’s fine, that’s a human trait, but I am beyond that now, plus I’m sexy! 

You’ve clearly gone against what UNBOXING is all about, and announced your participation this Friday, why are you above the rules? 

I’m above the rules because I realised my worth, as did the fans, I know what I want and I will scamper my way to the very top and my loyal followers can see that, so why waste their time? 

 How was 2022 for you and what is your aim for the last PROGRESS Wrestling show of the calendar year?

2022 was the year of the Twatling, I worked very hard to find myself and, in the process, beat numerous champions and WWE legends. 2023 is the year of the T**t and I’m going into it with spectacular momentum. 

Speaking of 2023, what will the new year look like for the ‘Trickster God’?

2023 is already ridiculous but the truth is, I cannot say, nor do I wish to. I’d advise people enjoy me and enjoy the journey; I want them with me every step of the way. 

You’ve challenged Maggot to a match this Friday, what is your final message to him?

Do one! 

So, to clear this up, now you’re a God, do rules not apply to you at all?

No, the rules are my friend, on the contrary, working within them and therefore maybe manipulating them only allows me to be CREATIVE, which is why I have achieved God status. But also sometimes yes rules are dumb, like when I was told I wasn’t allowed in Big Damo’s dressing room anymore because I’m ‘annoying’ and ‘creepy’.

Finally, has Maggot even accepted your challenge for UNBOXING V?

No, he hasn’t publicly said anything…maybe HBK will come out instead but if he does, I’ll bite his super kick leg and shove my hand in his mouth before he can say ‘I’m a sexy boy’ because I’m not here for HBK (yet). I’m here for Maggot and I know Maggot and I know he can’t resist me. He’ll be there. I’m sure of it.

Find out if Maggot will show up on Friday and accept Crowley’s challenge by purchasing your ticket for PROGRESS Wrestling CHAPTER 147: UNBOXING LIVE V – DEAL OR NO DEAL

Tickets are still on sale now and can be purchased by CLICKING HERE

Charles Crowley The Trickster God “I will scamper my way to the very top”