Dean Allmark

The Journey

Dean Allmark is a highly skilled and accomplished wrestler in PROGRESS Wrestling, known for his captivating performances inside the ring. With a reputation for delivering exceptional matches, Allmark has engaged in memorable bouts against top talents such as Cara Noir, Takeshita, HAYATA, Big Damo, and Chris Ridgeway.

Allmark’s matches against Cara Noir have been particularly noteworthy, showcasing a clash of styles and a display of technical mastery. These encounters have captivated audiences with their intensity and storytelling, leaving a lasting impression on fans.

Facing off against the formidable Big Damo has demonstrated Allmark’s resilience and determination. These matches have highlighted his ability to take on larger opponents and utilize his agility and quickness to outmaneuver and surprise his adversaries.

PROGRESS Chapter 137: The Deadly Viper Tour – Codename: Copperhead – TV-Show @ O2 Academy Sheffield in Sheffield he took on Japanese legend HAYATA in another instant classic.

At PROGRESS Chapter 138: The Deadly Viper Tour – Codename: Cottonmouth – TV-Show @ The Boiler Shop in Newcastle Upon Tyne, England, UK he faced Konosuke Takeshita in yet another instant classic showing why he and AEW Konosuke Takeshita are up there with the very best in the world.

In his encounters with Chris Ridgeway, Allmark has demonstrated his versatility in the ring, adapting to Ridgeway’s hard-hitting style. These battles have showcased Allmark’s ability to engage in fierce and competitive contests, pushing the limits of his own abilities.

Dean Allmark’s contributions to PROGRESS Wrestling have solidified his status as a respected and accomplished wrestler. His ability to consistently deliver high-quality matches against top opponents has garnered him praise from fans and peers alike. As he continues to showcase his talents, fans eagerly anticipate his future battles in the ring and the thrilling moments he will undoubtedly create.

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A True All Star – Dean Allmark is the standard of all British Wrestling. Known for his time in TNA and All Star Wrestling, Deano is a true wrestling pioneer. His matches against Takeshita, Hayata, Big Damo and Chris Ridgeway confirm he is a living legend of British professional wrestling.

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