PROGRESS Wrestling

Charles Crowley

The Journey

Originally starting in PROGRESS Wrestling on the commentary table, Charles Crowley was able to show his charisma and wrestling knowledge to fans in the Peckham era outside the ring before they saw him inside it.

He took to Elijah during those early days and acted as a mentor and manager to him. Throughout his stay in Peckham the impish one was a lot more concerned with playing the devil’s advocate and bending the rules.

His alignment with Elijah did actually help the Welshman and his win/loss record improved, but it became clear that whilst Crowley was helpful he did have an ulterior motive – to get in the ring himself.

Soon enough Crowley was tagging with Elijah in Peckham and then eventually when fans returned inside the hallowed Electric Ballroom in Camden. Not only did he get his wish to wrestle, he had made it to major chapter shows.

Soon enough his relationship with Elijah broke down, but he entered the Super Strong Style tournament in 2022, facing NXT superstar Charlie Dempsey in the first round.

What should have been a high, turned into a low as Dempsey, a much respected second generation wrestler and son of William Regal looked down upon his opponent and treated him like a second class wrestler, before toying with him and eliminating him in round one.

On day three of the tournament, he was once again showed disrespect as no one wanted to pick him in the World Cup singles tag team match.

Something had to change and it did… Charles did. He went missing. Charles Crowley missing posters with peculiar clues surrounded PROGRESS Wrestling events and social media and there was a clamour for the return of the spectacular one.

When he did, he had a series of charismatic moments with the equally eccentric Maggot from wXw and soon the fans who were chanting tw*t in a mean way were doing so in an endearing way.

Charles’ charisma and impish behaviour over the years was always entertaining and eventually it won over the PROGRESS Wrestling fans and he is now one of the most loved wrestlers on the roster.

His 2023 Super Strong Style performance was improved as he reached the second round, and he has made it his mission to win gold in PROGRESS. Whether that is on his own or in a tag team remains to be seen, as he is currently embroiled in some bullying from tag team champions the Smokin’ Aces.

The Cheeky Little Buggers made their debut in PROGRESS Wrestling with a unique blend of charisma and wrestling prowess. Their journey began in late 2023 when they teamed up at Chapter 160: Vendetta. Despite being a relatively new team, their chemistry and in-ring talent quickly became evident, leading to a series of impressive performances that set the stage for their rise in the tag team division​.

Their ascent to the PROGRESS Tag Team Championships was marked by a significant victory at Chapter 163: Twisted Metal. On this night, after already securing a win over Danny Black and Gene Munny, they capitalized on an opportunity to challenge the Smokin’ Aces (Charlie Sterling and Nick Riley), who had just defended their titles against SAnitY. In a thrilling match, Alexxis Falcon pinned Nick Riley, making her the first female wrestler to hold the PROGRESS World Tag Team Championships. This victory was a testament to their strategic prowess and readiness to seize opportunities​.

Following their historic win, the Cheeky Little Buggers established themselves as fighting champions. They successfully defended their titles against formidable opponents, including Dominatus Regnum at Chapter 165: Diamond Dust. Their matches were praised for their unique dynamic they brought to the division. Falcon and Crowley expressed a desire to face dedicated tag teams, emphasizing their commitment to elevating the tag team scene in PROGRESS Wrestling​ 

Their championship reign came to an end at Chapter 166: Freedom Walks Again, where they ultimately lost the PROGRESS Tag Team Titles, marking the end of a memorable run. Despite the loss, their impact on the tag team division remained significant, having demonstrated their ability to compete at the highest level and bringing a fresh dynamic to the promotion​.

The career of Charles Crowley in PROGRESS Wrestling is a testament to the resilience and passion that defines the world of professional wrestling. As he continues to carve his path in the industry, one can’t help but be excited about what the future holds for this charismatic and talented performer.

PROGRESS Wrestling tickets are available for all future shows via the dice app, 

You can see Charles Crowley matches, including his attempt to win the GCW Championship against Blake Christian by subscribing to DEMAND PROGRESS PLUS.

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Charles Crowley – The Spectacular Twat.

Charles Crowley debuted at PROGRESS Wrestling at Chapter 120 – TOTAL PROTONIC REVERSALS where he teamed up with Elijah to take on The Young Guns.

When PROGRESS Wrestling returned to live shows in 2022 the Spectacular Twat became an instant fan favourite within the PROGRESS fans.

Notable Matches:

Charles Crowley Vs Charlie Dempsey – Chapter 136 – SUPER STRONG STYLE 16.
Charles Crowley Vs Maggot – Chapter 147 – UNBOXING LIVE V.
Charles Crowley Vs Axel Tischer – Chapter 156 – STEAL YOURSELF
Charles Crowley Vs Blake Christian – Chapter 157 – HUNGRY LIKE THE WOLF.

Charles Crowley has recently stated that one day he will be the PROGRESS Men’s World Champion which has crossed the likes of Dominatus Regnum, especially The Smokin’ Aces.

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