PROGRESS Wrestling

Eddie Dennis

The Journey

Eddie Dennis has made quite an impact in the world of professional wrestling, and his time in PROGRESS Wrestling has been no exception. must say, he has consistently impressed me with his in-ring abilities and character work.

One of the standout aspects of Eddie Dennis in PROGRESS Wrestling is his undeniable charisma. From the moment he steps through the curtain, he has a presence that demands attention. His unique look and commanding presence make him stand out in a promotion filled with talented wrestlers. Eddie’s ability to connect with the audience is truly remarkable, and he has a knack for getting the crowd invested in his matches and storylines.

In terms of in-ring performance, Eddie Dennis is a versatile wrestler. He can adapt to various styles and has the technical prowess to engage in mat-based wrestling, as well as the agility and strength to deliver high-impact moves. His matches are always entertaining, and he consistently puts on great performances that leave fans on the edge of their seats.

Eddie Dennis’s character work is another aspect that sets him apart. He has portrayed both heroic and villainous roles during his time in PROGRESS Wrestling, and he excels at both. Whether he’s the valiant underdog or the cunning antagonist, Eddie Dennis fully commits to his character, which adds depth to the storytelling in PROGRESS Wrestling.

Furthermore, Eddie’s promos and mic skills are undeniable. He can cut a compelling promo that draws viewers into the narrative and makes them emotionally invested in his feuds and rivalries. His ability to tell a story through words and actions is a testament to his dedication to his craft. Few can forget his war of words with Mark Andrews!

His highlights have been his run as PROGRESS Men’s World Champion, which he successfully unlocked at Alexandra Palace, his run as a Tag Team Champion with Mark Andrews as FSU and their grudge TLC match at Wembley!

Now having returned from WWE to the UK independent scene, we are excited to see what the future holds for Eddie Dennis!

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You can see Eddie Dennis matches, including him winning the PROGRESS Men’s Championship by subscribing to DEMAND PROGRESS PLUS.

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Eddie Dennis, as seen on WWE.

Eddie Dennis debuted in PROGRESS Wrestling at Chapter 6 and has left his mark on the promotion both as a singles and tag team competitor. After impressing throughout his stay with the promotion he won Tag Team gold with Mark Andrews as FSU and then won the unified PROGRESS World Championship at Alexandra Palace.

He bet on himself and went full-time as a wrestler and that paid off for him as he was signed to NXT UK and then WWE before returning to PROGRESS Wrestling late in 2023.

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Notable matches in Eddie Dennis’s history include:

Eddie Dennis vs Mark Andrews

Eddie Dennis vs Matt Riddle

Eddie Dennis vs Michael Oku

FSU vs The Origin

All matches are available to watch on DEMAND PROGRESS PLUS.

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