Leon Slater - PROGRESS Wrestling
PROGRESS Wrestling

Leon Slater

Leon Slater - PROGRESS Wrestling

The Journey

In the world of professional wrestling, there are few names that resonate as strongly right now as Leon Slater’s. Throughout his career in PROGRESS Wrestling, Slater left an indelible mark on every card he wrestles, wowing the crowd with his speed and athleticism at such a young age.

Leon Slater’s journey in professional wrestling began humbly, as he trained tirelessly in regional promotions to hone his craft. His journey took a significant turn when he joined PROGRESS Wrestling at the Everything Patterned show.

Word spread fast of his impressive debut and Slater’s rise in the British Wrestling scene had begun…

No wrestler’s career is complete without memorable matches, and Slater’s career with PROGRESS Wrestling is filled with them, including bouts with Francesco Akira, Blake Christian, Konosuke Takeshita and Ricky Knight Jr

Leon Slater’s journey with PROGRESS Wrestling was punctuated by he and Man Like DeReiss as Boisterous Behaviour defeating The VeloCities to become then new ASCA Tag Team Champions.

Leon Slater’s career was dotted with iconic moments that will forever be etched in the annals of PROGRESS Wrestling history. From his jaw-dropping moments in the ring to Jody Fleisch giving him the seal of approval, we have seen Leon Slater at his best.

We look forward to seeing more great Leon Slater matches in PROGRESS Wrestling.

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Leon Slater, The Youngest In Charge.

Leon Slater made his PROGRESS Wrestling debut at Roy Johnson’s Everything Patterned event and everyone who was at that show was in no doubt that they had just seen a future star of the business.

Since then he has had over 20 matches in PROGRESS Wrestling, taken part in the Super Strong Style 16 tournament, wrestled for the PROGRESS Wrestling Tag Team Titles and been signed by TNA.

Notable matches in Leon Slater’s PROGRESS Wrestling history include:

Leon Slater vs Francesco Akira
Leon Slater vs Blake Christian
Leon Slater vs Konosuke Takeshita
Leon Slater vs Ricky Knight Jr

Leon Slater made such an impression during his stay in British wrestling that in 2023 he was signed to a long term contract with TNA on their UK tour.

The Youngest In Charge remains a much valued member of the PROGRESS roster, with the world about to know what we already know… Leon Slater is the 0.000001%

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