Grizzled Young Veterans "We plan on capturing PROGRESS championship gold for the record fourth time"

Grizzled Young Veterans “We plan on capturing PROGRESS championship gold for the record fourth time”

In the world of PROGRESS Wrestling, few teams have captured the ire of fans quite like the Grizzled Young Veterans. As they gear up for their highly anticipated return on Sunday, 28th January at Chapter 162: The Light of the Dragon, we caught up with them to discuss their match with Sunshine Machine and beyond…

Grizzled Young Veterans last wrestled in PROGRESS Wrestling at the Electric Ballroom in 2019. Do you have a message for the fans who used to greet you with their special brand of chants and boos ahead of your return?

It’s been nearly 4 years since we’ve been at the Electric Ballroom. The wrestling world has changed so much. However, you know the saying the more things change, the more they stay the same. We fully expect a sub-human fanbase to try and take over the show with their chants and boos in a desperate attempt to validate themselves. They should just be grateful to be in our presence again. We’re the prize here.

Grizzled Young Veterans

In the years that you have been away how do you feel that you have improved as a tag team?

As far as improvement, it’s just a natural thing. I won’t go into too much detail as that gives away the surprise on the night. All I’m going to say is Sunshine lads… Grit. Your. Teeth

You are joint record holders in the PROGRESS Wrestling tag team division, holding the titles three times. Do you have eyes on a fourth reign?

Oh course we’ve got our eyes on a fourth reign you cretin! Do you think we want to travel across the world from sunny Orlando to dossy London IN JANUARY for a laugh? We’re well past doing this for fun now. This is our job, our careers. So yes, we do plan on capturing PROGRESS championship gold for the record fourth time.

Grizzled Young Veterans

Moving onto Chapter 162, you are facing arguably the most loved tag team in PROGRESS Wrestling history in the Sunshine Machine. It’s a dream match for PROGRESS Wrestling fans… does that matter to you at all?

Dream matches don’t matter to us. We’re the dream match tag team. Have you noticed how every match we’ve had since leaving WWE has had nothing but great buzz and they’ve all done good business? We’re the dream team. Stick us in with whoever and it’ll become a “dream match”.

You said in your promo that Sunshine Machine simply walked through the door that you left open when you left… do you seriously doubt they would have been the success they are if you had stayed?

Listen, we were the top of the bill before we decided to elevate our careers and move to America. As far as we’re concerned, there was absolutely no one on the independent circuit who was even close to us. Sorry if that hurts people’s feelings.

Grizzled Young Veterans

You also mentioned that you had ‘never heard of Sunshine Machine’ – which they took exception to in their promo back to you. Do you feel like you have already got the mental edge over them by making this personal with them?

What do you think? They saw our promo and they HAD to reply. We’re living rent free fellas!

Lastly, what are your thoughts on our current PROGRESS Wrestling champions, the Smokin’ Aces?

We’ve known Charlie & Nick for over 15 years now. Both are unbelievable wrestlers, and together they’re an incredible tag team. We do see holes in their tactics though. I won’t go into detail as you never know if they’re reading this but all I’ll say is if the schedule lines up and it’s time for us to take the Tag Team Championships to an elevated level, we’re ready for the lads. Smokin’ Aces, when you see the GYV coming. Grit. Your. Teeth.

PROGRESS Wrestling tickets are available for all future shows via the dice app, including this January’s event featuring Grizzled Young Veterans vs Sunshine Machine!

You can see all of the Grizzled Young Veterans matches in PROGRESS Wrestling history by subscribing to DEMAND PROGRESS PLUS.

Grizzled Young Veterans “We plan on capturing PROGRESS championship gold for the record fourth time”