Alexxis Falcon & Nina Samuels

Alexxis Falcon: “If I can no longer ever wrestle for the women’s championship again then what am I doing?”

We sat down with crowd favourite Alexxis Falcon after her devastating loss to Lana Austin, discussing where she goes from here, the Lana Austin Experience, her working relationship with Charles Crowley and the upcoming show in Manchester…

First things first how are you feeling now the dust has settled on your loss to Lana Austin at the Long Halloween?

I have so many mixed emotions about it. On one hand I am so pleased that Rhio is the new champion and that the era of Lana Austin and the Lana Austin Experience is seemingly over. Rhio is one of my best friends outside of the business and she really deserves it. But that was my chance to show that I could finally defeat Lana, and I couldn’t get the job done.

Alexxis Falcon

You put it all on the line in your match by not being able to challenge again. So what next for Alexxis Falcon in PROGRESS Wrestling? Is it over between you and the Lana Austin Experience?

I don’t know what lies ahead for me in PROGRESS Wrestling now. Like, if I can no longer ever wrestle for the women’s championship again then what am I doing? I still think LAE need their mouths shutting, I keep seeing them online still claim that Lana is champion. I was still kind of outnumbered at the start of the match with Rob Drake at ringside. One thing I’ve liked to do, is be the in keeper of the women’s division. I don’t like bullies and gang mentality.

Those that have followed your career know your history with Charles Crowley. How excited are you that your paths have now crossed in PROGRESS Wrestling?

Fans have been asking in PROGRESS for a really long time when they will see us together. And whilst we haven’t officially come together as a team (he has his own path in PROGRESS and I have mine), I knew that he would have my back. I was so relieved to hear his music hit and see him fight Rob off to the back. Me and Charles Crowley have SO much fun and it’s an energy that I felt the Electric Ballroom love immediately, even just getting a glimpse of it.

Alexxis Falcon & Charles Crowley

What can those fans who have never seen you and Charles together before expect from the pair of you in PROGRESS Wrestling?

We are cheeky little buggers! We get away with things that most people can’t, we like to move the needle and push boundaries. We are working incredibly hard together behind the scenes to become the two best wrestlers in this country and I hope PROGRESS can see that. His creativity has done absolute wonders for me and he pushes me in ways that nobody else ever has before. I hope that one day that can be shown to the PROGRESS audience.

Lastly, Charles has the most dramatic match in history coming up this weekend at Wonderbrawl. Any words for Matthew ahead of that match?

I really don’t think Matthew knows what he’s getting himself in for. Crowley’s brain is unlike any brain I have ever come across before. The way his mind works is phenomenal. It’s certainly going to be the most dramatic thing you’ve ever seen, that’s for sure…

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Alexxis Falcon: “If I can no longer ever wrestle for the women’s championship again then what am I doing?”